Temporary exhibitions

ConCiencia Hist贸rica. Exhibition: Journeys and travellers: people, ideas and goods

ConCiencia Hist贸rica. Exhibition. El Cam铆n Real de la Mesa. Journeys and travellers: people, ideas and goods

An exhibition made by the pupils of the Balmonte and Grau schools in collaboration with the LANDS-LLABOR research group of the University of Oviedo in the Archaeological Museum of Asturias

ConCienciaHist贸rica is a project aimed at children and young people in rural areas of Asturias and aims to promote greater knowledge of the environment in which they live. Through the discovery of the heritage values of their environment, the aim is to encourage the creation of identity elements that prevent migration to the urban world, promoting rural alternatives to metropolitan references. At the same time, training in scientific culture is promoted for students from rural areas, who, due to their geographical location, have fewer possibilities of participating in transfer activities, generally developed in urban areas.

During the 2023-2024 academic year, work is being carried out with the educational community and the population of the municipalities of Belmonte de Miranda (1.425 inhabitants and 50 pupils in Infant and Primary Education) and Grau/Grado (9.616 inhabitants and around 600 students distributed among the three public schools in the municipality).