Conferences, Workshops and Seminars
Mentality and in the late Roman funerary ritual: the necropolis of walls (Siero)
Mentality and in the late Roman funerary ritual: the necropolis of walls (Siero) by Otilia Requejo Pagés. Paredes roman cemetery was discovered in the last years of the 20th century on the occasion of the construction of Parque Principado shopping facilities. It was made up of 36 tombs dating from the 4th century and V d.C. Its rich grave goods, unparalleled in the Bay of Biscay, are exposed in the Archaeological Museum of Asturias. Otilia Requejo Pages, dedicated to professional archaeology, has excavated sites Asturian of the ages, focusing his studies on the Roman stage, which include his work in the necropolis of walls, furnaces of Cayes and the village of Priañes and also in the middle ages, mainly in the old Oviedo and fortifications from the East from the region |