Conservation Laboratory

The Archaeological Museum of Asturias developed a broad program of conservation and restoration of the pieces from the permanent collection and from the materials held in trust. Likewise, it also ensures the proper maintenance of dependent sites of Archaeological Museum of Asturias.

For this work, it has qualified staff and specialized in archaeological restoration. Develops preventive conservation, documentation,  research on diseases and treatments, as well as specific restoration work.

The actions carried out encompassing and have as primary objectives:

  • Collaborate on adequate knowledge of artistic techniques, composition and manufacture of materials that can help the study of historical and archaeological assets.
  • Establish a weighted diagnostic pathology, possible causes of alteration and preventative measures to consider to stop the deterioration.
  • Identify ancient treatments, obsolete or harmful to the piece and determine the actions to take to achieve the stability of the work.
  • Establish general guidelines for action, appropriate and safe for the original materials and follow the conservation and restoration criteria set by national agencies and international specialized.

The structure and condition of the laboratory, equipped with modern and advanced technology, it covers all the needs of a workshop on conservation and restoration, settling as a unique space in which it is intended to accommodate researchers and professionals from different fields, fostering collaboration between disciplines necessary for thorough study of archaeological materials.